Press Releases

17th Nov 2017
BHPRA supports petition to reinstate speed cameras on A10

The Bush Hill Park Residents’ Association (BHPRA) is campaigning to reinstate speed cameras on the A10 to combat the growing problem of speeding traffic, particularly motor bikes, on the road. In addition to the safety concerns, residents living close to the A10 regularly report to the BHPRA the nuisance of noise.

The Bush Hill Park Ward Conservatives Group started a petition on calling for the Mayor to reinstate the cameras which were removed by TfL following resurfacing of the A10 in the past three years. The BHPRA supports this petition and its volunteers have leafleted houses between the Bury Street West and Southbury Road to inform residents of the petition. Derek Wheeler, Chairman said “We’ve raised this with our local Ward Councillors, but we don’t see TfL getting on-board to solve the problem. The issue has also been raised at Ward Forums several times in the past twelve months.” The petition can be signed via the BHPRA’s web-site at:

8th Nov 2017

The Bush Hill Park Residents Association is urging the London Borough of Enfield to reconsider its proposals for the cycle crossing at Bury Street West where it joins Church Street. Bury Street West and Church Street are important routes from the A105 down to the A10, to Edmonton Green and to Lower Edmonton. This is a busy junction which at times carries large vehicles, sometimes including buses ‘not in service’ or ‘on diversion’.

The Residents’ Association’s main complaints are;

the proposed build-outs are excessive and with the narrowing of Bury Street West will intensify congestion and pollution in the area. Some large vehicles will not be able to manage the turns, affecting, amongst others, bus movements and emergency services;

the congestion will have a detrimental knock-on affect to the A105;

traffic on neighbouring alternative routes is likely to increase e.g. in Park Avenue, side roads around Church St. and Firs Lane;

businesses near the junction will suffer through reduced loading and customer parking facilities;

The Residents’ Association is asking the Council to:

consider moving the cycle crossing over Bury Street West further eastwards. This could eliminate the need for the kerb build-outs in Church Street;

consider a design that gives a wider junction with 3 lanes (as now) and two islands;

consideration should be given to altering the timing and/or phasing of the traffic lights at Ridge Avenue to assist traffic using the Bury Street West/Church Street junction;

The Residents’ Association notes that the recent changes to the lights at Ridge Avenue have had a knock-on affects to the Bury Street West junction and have exacerbated the congestion. The altered timing of the lights has given a big advantage to A105 traffic. An increase in the timing given to Church Street is needed as, in effect, two roads (Church Street and Bury Street West) drain into the junction with the A105. Any congestion is this area affects buses and it is worth noting the proximity of the Church Street westbound W8 bus stop, which in effect narrows the road when a bus is there.

The proposed kerb build-outs make the left turn into Bury Street West very tight and will force vehicles of all sizes to arc out in the way of oncoming traffic. Similarly traffic turning left out of Bury Street West will come further out into the road than is desirable, especially taking the aforementioned bus stop into consideration.

Emergency vehicles will be subject to all these problems.

Much as pedestrians need an improved crossing at Bury Street West, it comes at the expense of congestion and more pollution, which is why one of our recommendations is to consider two refuges at the junction. We also recommend an informal crossing, with central refuge, in Church Street slightly south of Bury Street West, would assist bus users and help reduce the need to cross Bury Street West.

The design is likely to interfere with deliveries to Lords diy—including large vehicles carrying bottled gas whose transfer to storage should be as unimpeded as possible; similarly its collection by customers. The kerb build-out on the Lords side will make the adjacent parking/loading bay in Church Street difficult to use and some loss of parking seems likely in Bury Street West, all adversely impacting on local businesses.

On-going regular and timely maintenance is needed for the proposed rain gardens.

The prolonged construction phase of Cycle Enfield at the A105/Church Street junction had severe consequences for some businesses, which have not entirely recovered. Another wave of construction in the vicinity of this junction needs to be tightly controlled and managed to avoid further adverse impact, whether short or long term. Mitigation must be agreed with businesses before work commences and then actively monitored by both the council and the contractors.

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